

  • Altar Servers

    Altar servers: We need you!

    Altar Servers must have received the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist, and be good practicing Catholics. Many of us, active in the Church, started off as altar servers! It's an enjoyable experience that brings the young closer to God. If you would like to be an altar server, please contact Monsignor Ginty at 203-879-2544.

  • Bereavement Ministry

    Please call the parish office at 203-879-2544 to learn about the Ministry or talk to a Grief Minister. 

  • Children's Liturgy of the Word

    Coming soon.

  • Music Ministry

    Our parish music ministry is under the direction of Jason Alderuccio and Judy Ball. 

    Singing is praying.  Saint Augustine said that when one sings, one prays twice.  Praise the Lord with your singing!  The choir is always open to new voices.

    Contact the rectory at 203-879-2544 to learn more.

  • Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

    An extraordinary minister of Holy Communion is an un-ordained person appointed by the bishop or his delegate to assist ordained ministers in the distribution of Communion. The “ordinary” ministers of Holy Communion are bishops, priests, and deacons, all of whom have received the sacrament of Holy Orders.

    The Church does permit the use of extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion under certain circumstances. The Catechism of the Catholic Church, quoting Canon Law, provides:

    When the necessity of the Church warrants it and when ministers are lacking, lay

    persons . . . can also . . . distribute Holy Communion in accord with the prescriptions

    of law (no. 903).

    Read More on Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.

    If you would like to be an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion, please contact Monsignor Ginty at 203-879-2544.

  • Lectors

    Proclaimers of the Word

    It is a great honor to be able to proclaim the word of God!  Our parish is always looking for more lectors.  If you would like to be a lector, contact Monsignor Ginty at 203-879-2544.

    Lectors proclaim the first reading, usually from the Old Testament, and the second reading, usually from the Epistles.  Readings are from the New American Bible translation.

    Lectors use the Workbook for Lectors, Gospel Readers, and Proclaimers of the Word from Liturgy Training Publications for guidance.  This workbook lists everything the lector would read, and provides guidance as to pronunciation, inflection and especially meaning and emotion.  Lectors may practice the readings by using this workbook, provided by the parish.  If a lector does not have a copy of this workbook, the readings may be found at the USCCB website.

    Lector Schedule

    Lectors request to read at the mass dates and times of their choice by using an online scheduling system. 

  • Faith Formation Board

    The Faith Formation board consists of four parents, one catechist, and the Director of the Faith Formation Office.  The purpose of the board is to act as an advisory and support group for the Director and Monsignor Ginty, on matters that affect the Faith Formation program.  Any questions or concerns parents have are to be directed to the Director of the Faith Formation Office who will in turn bring them to the board if deemed necessary. 


    If you are interested in becoming a catechist, substitute, aide, or a proclaimer, please contact Joe.

    ...but Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”  Matthew 19:14

    Faith Formation Board Director 

    Joe Carrah | 203-879-9030

  • Finance Council

    The Parish and the board members of the parish meet. The Trustees also attend the meetings. The parish is very fortunate to have such an outstanding group of people in these capacities and we are grateful for their counsel and advice.

  • Altar Society

    Coming soon.

  • Knights of Columbus

    Thanks to the efforts of Father Michael J. McGivney, assistant pastor of St. Mary’s Church in New Haven and some of his parishioners, the Connecticut state legislature on March 29, 1882, officially chartered the Knights of Columbus as a fraternal benefit society. The Order is still true to its founding principles of charity, unity and fraternity.

    The Knights was formed to render financial aid to members and their families. Mutual aid and assistance are offered to sick, disabled and needy members and their families. Social and intellectual fellowship is promoted among members and their families through educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief and public relief works.

    The history of the Order shows how the foresight of Father Michael J. McGivney, whose cause for sainthood is being investigated by the Vatican, brought about what has become the world's foremost Catholic fraternal benefit society. The Order has helped families obtain economic security and stability through its life insurance, annuity and long-term care programs, and has contributed time and energy worldwide to service in communities.

    The Knights of Columbus has grown from several members in one council to more than 14,000 councils and 1.8 million members throughout the United States, Canada, the Philippines, Mexico, Poland, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Panama, the Bahamas, the Virgin Islands, Cuba, Guatemala, Guam and Saipan.

  • Ladies Guild

    The Ladies Guild of St. Basil the Great Parish is an organization that meets monthly from fall to spring.

    They are involved in various fundraising throughout the year that supports the parish. Their object is to unite the women of the parish, to encourage receiving the sacraments, insure growth in a friendly social atmosphere within our members and to provide service to the parish, people and local agencies in need. 

    Ladies Guild meetings are held on the 4th Monday of every month.

  • Sandwich Ministry

    The Sandwich Ministry meets once a month on the last Wednesday of the month to make sandwiches for the homeless.  The sandwiches are taken to the St. Vincent de Paul shelter for distribution.

    For more information, contact the parish office.

  • Rosary Society

    The Rosary Society fosters devotion to the blessed mother, Mary, and to pray for world peace.

    St. Basil the Great Parish has a large and dedicated group that makes sure the rosary is said.  Many members say the rosary at home, and several say the rosary at church following the morning mass.  Dues are a free-will offering.

    Learn more about what Catholics believe about Mary.

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